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Unmasking Past Trauma: How Your Body Stores Stress

Past Trauma
You may be thinking to yourself where did these headaches come from? Why is my energy so low? I never had stomach problems before why am I having them now? Why all of a sudden is my child having anxiety attacks?

When a parent or patient explains these problems to me and they have no understanding of a direct cause, the first question I ask is “What significant event happened 4 to 6 months prior?”

It is then that I see the light bulb turn on in their eyes.

It was a car accident, falling off the swings as a five-year-old, a past divorce that left the kid feeling insecure, starting a new school, or going through chemotherapy.   Yes, every one of these I’ve heard before from patients or parents and they start to make the connection.

Past stress whether it be chemical, emotional, or physical will negatively impact nerve function.

Dr. Randy Wurts, a neurologically focused chiropractor, has helped many people with past trauma in his 20 years of experience. We hope that what he shares in this video is an answer for you or your child.


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