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Family Chiropractic at inThrive Chiropractic

Chiropractic Care for Families

person flexing their armThe streams of stress being a parent, or an adult are relentless in today’s world. From adapting to life as a new parent to being the family chauffeur, life can be crazy and we do our best to cope with it until we can’t, and then our body starts to show it.

Throughout life, we experience many stresses; in the categories of emotional, chemical, and physical. It can be physical stressors, like a car accident or sitting at a desk for hours at your job. On top of that, you may have toxic, emotional stressors affecting you like an overbearing boss, a sudden death in the family, or perhaps family issues. Chemical stress like food additives and the air we breathe add to the mix as well.

Our nervous systems cannot process all of this, especially over long periods of time or sudden periods of intense stress. It gets stuck in a cycle of stress, and it eventually reaches a breaking point. Symptoms start to show after the body can no longer adapt to the challenges of adult life. However, it does not have to be this way!

During chiropractic care at inThrive Chiropractic, many adults experience:

  • Improved sleep
  • Adapt to stress better
  • Faster recovery from nagging aches and serious pain
  • Better focus
  • Digestive improvement
  • Enhanced stamina
  • Increased energy
  • Less sickness
  • and more!
  • I argued less, did not get angry as fast, and listened now. I could play with my son for much longer without being in pain. I was not angry all the time which made it easier for me to be around.
    -Rick B.
  • I wouldn’t know where I would be if I hadn’t come to see Dr. Randy. I was crippling myself to the point I was unable to do anything. Now I feel like I can do cartwheels. I’m happy, healthier, and back to my old self. A BIG thank you to Dr. Randy.
    -Melissa B.
  • I am finally feeling better physically, mentally, and spiritually. I love the fact that I am able to heal and feel better without the use of drugs. This is the best I’ve felt in 3 years. Don’t wait as long as I did to get your nerves and body straightened out.
    -Vicki M.

Dr Randy and patient
Truly we wish we had a magic wand to make all the stress go away, but we don't. What we do have is the ability for your body to become stronger through chiropractic care so you can overcome the stresses of life much better. Thus, allowing you to live life on your terms, not allowing the health challenge to dictate that for you.

Your Kids Win By Watching

The best way to ensure your children are taking care of themselves is to be a good role model. Yes, children watch and repeat what is shown, not what is told.

Considering that 95% of imprinting will occur from 0-5 years of age, it is better to start early. We find that taking care of yourself will show kids to do the same and that will be passed on for generations to come.

Our Priority is Your Family

Dr. Randy’s mission in life is to help families improve their health and wellness. It’s his calling in life, one that he’s been drawn to for two decades now. This can start with mom and dad or other adults as well. Call the office today to find out how he can help you and your family live life to its fullest potential!

Family Chiropractic Columbus, Lewis Center, Westerville OH | (614) 705-6567